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Lord Harries of Pentregarth, former Bishop of Oxford, has written extensively on the ‘Abrahamic faiths’ as well as on Christian theology dealing with matters including ethics, secularism and war and peace. Former Dean of Kings College, London, Professor Harries was Chair of the Council of Christians and Jews and founded the Oxford Jewish Christian Muslim dialogue group.
Qari Asim
Qari Asim, MBE is senior Imam at Makkah Mosque in Leeds, which has won the award of being UK's model mosque. He is a Legal Director at a global law firm, DLA Piper.
He is an independent advisor to the government to define Islamophobia.
He is Deputy Chair of Government’s Anti-Muslim Hatred Working Group.
He is Chair of Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board and senior editor of ImamsOnline.
Qari is a trustee of British Future, a think-tank which addresses identity, integration and migration. He is also a trustee of the charities Peace Matters and Hope not Hate, which seeks to challenge and defeat the politics of hate and extremism.
He is a member of ITV Yorkshire’s Diversity Group, on the advisory panel of Oxfam and on the regional leadership board of Mosaic, founded by HRH Prince of Wales, to inspire young people to realise their talents and potential.
Qari is passionate about fostering relations between communities and is a trustee of Christian Muslim Forum, a director of Forum for Promoting Peace (London) and one of the faith advisors to Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and the Near Neighbours programme.
He holds various positions on a number of other organisations that focus on issues related to government policy, education, business, leadership, youth empowerment, gender equity, environment and social welfare.
He is a blogger and columns or comments from him appear in The Times, The Telegraph, The Independent, The Guardian, Yorkshire Post and Huffington Post.
Shaykh Dr Abdal Hakim Murad (Tim Winter) is Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge, and is acknowledged as a leading Islamic scholar in Britain. His inter faith work includes joint editorship of Abraham’s Children (2006) with Lord Harries and Rabbi Norman Solomon.
Rabbi Dr Tony Bayfield is a former Head of the Movement for Reform Judaism and a President of the Council
of Christians and Jews. A pioneer of serious inter faith dialogue in Britain, he has spoken and written extensively on the process and his collaborative publications include Dialogue with a Difference (1992), He Kissed Him and They Wept: Towards a Theology of Partnership (2001) and Deep Calls to Deep (2017) jointly edited with Alan Race and Ataullah Siddiqui.